Washington Gov. Joins Boycott: No State Funded Travel to Indiana

Bobby McGuire READ TIME: 1 MIN.

OLYMPIA, Wash. - Washington state Gov. Jay Inslee says he is imposing an administration-wide ban on state-funded travel to Indiana after the passage of a new law that critics say has the potential to discriminate against gays and lesbians and others based on religious beliefs.

The governor's statement Monday comes a few days after Seattle Mayor Ed Murray, who is the city's first openly gay mayor, banned city-funded travel to the state.

Inslee noted a recent case in Washington state where the state sued a florist who refused to provide flowers for a same-sex wedding. A judge ruled in that case that the florist had violated the state's antidiscrimination and consumer protection laws.

Inslee invited those who have said they will not locate or expand business operations in Indiana to come to Washington state.
In neighboring Oregon, Portland mayor Charlie Hales also said that all city-funded travel to Indiana has been temporarily halted.

Connecticut governor Dan Malloy announced a similar ban earlier Monday, as did San Francisco mayor Ed Lee and Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff.

by Bobby McGuire

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