Pat Robertson Advises Viewer to Treat Gay Kid Like A Drug Addict


According to Christian media mouthpiece Pat Robertson, what's worse - being gay or an atheist? If you guessed "gay" - give yourself ten points.

Continuing his time honored tradition of misunderstanding and misrepresenting the LGBT community, televangelist Pat Robertson broke new ground on Monday when he advised a viewer of his daily "700 Club" program to treat her gay son who is a recent atheist as if he was a drug addict, Right Wing Watch reports.

On the Monday edition of "The 700 Club" program a viewer wrote to Robertson:

Dear Pat, not so long ago my son came "out of the closet" and a year later he told us he was becoming an atheist. I want him to follow the path of Christ, but it's so hard. What can I do about it? - ANN

Robertson's advice completely ignored the son's new found atheism and honed in on the gay issue.

"You cannot go along and say, 'I agree with your lifestyle,'" he said. "So don't be an enabler, any more if he's a drug addict, you don't enable people to continue in their drug habits. But you let him know you love him."

His advice is the latest example in a string of anti-gay comments made by the 84-year-old televangelist.

Earlier this month, ' target='_blank'>it was reported Robertson advised the mother of a gay child to tell her son that he was splitting up his parents' marriage, and advised her not to attend his upcoming marriage. In February, Robertson also warned viewers that gay marriage would lead to polygamy and man-dog weddings.


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