Hate Group Leader Raises Up Rubio, Blasts Bush on Marriage Comments


Hey Marco Rubio, guess who loves you? A hate group.

In the wake of public statements that hinted at a softened Republican tone on marriage equality made this week by presumptive 2016 GOP presidential hopeful Jeb Bush, the Southern Poverty Law Center-designated anti-gay hate group Family Research Council (FRC) is lauding Florida Senator and presumptive 2016 GOP presidential candidate Marco Rubio for "proudly defend[ing] the values of his party."

"While some conservatives duck down and hope their social positions won't be noticed, Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) proudly defends the values of his party," said FRC president Tony Perkins in his daily "Washington Update" email Thursday.

Politico reported Wednesday on comments made by Rubio lamenting the recent federal court decision that paved the way for Florida to become the 36th state to allow same-sex marriage.

"If they wanted to change that law, they should have gone to the legislature or back to the Constitution and try to change it," Rubio said. "I don't agree we should be trying to make those changes through the courts."

Perkins' praise of Rubio is an indirect slam of the Republican senator's presumptive challenger for the GOP nomination in the 2016 presidential race - former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who, according to CNN issued the following statement on Monday:

"I hope that we can also show respect for the good people on all sides of the gay and lesbian marriage issue -- including couples making lifetime commitments to each other who are seeking greater legal protections and those of us who believe marriage is a sacrament and want to safeguard religious liberty."

As the frontrunner of all presumptive GOP presidential hopefuls, Bush's comments showed a softened tone on the issue that many believe will be necessary for the Republican party to take the White House in 2016 given growing national support for marriage equality.

None of this, of course, got past Perkins who said, "Thank goodness for conservatives like Marco Rubio who aren't afraid to stand up for what's right -- regardless which way the political winds are blowing."


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