Sarah Palin Says White House is Located at 1400 Pennsylvania Ave.

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 1 MIN.

She may be able to find Russia on a map (she can see it from her house in Alaska after all) but it seems Sarah Palin isn't quite sure where the White House is located.

The former GOP candidate for vice president gave a speech Friday at the Values Values Voters summit, put together by the anti-gay group Family Research Council, and said the White House was located at 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue - not 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the National Journal points out.

"Those truly prejudice folks, they scream racism just to end the debate," she said. "Don't retreate! You reload with truth, which I know is an endangered species at 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue anyway. The media's favorite president he just can't stop telling lies!"

The Willard Hotel is located at 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue. Don't think President Barack Obama is going to stay there over the White House - no offense to the Willard.

We know there's going to be a lot of stupid comments made at the Values Voters summit (the Duggar family is supposed to speak at the event) but this has to be towards the top of the list.

Watch the blunder below:

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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