If At First You Don't Succeed, Schedule More Ex-Gay Events

Bobby McGuire READ TIME: 2 MIN.

After two inaugural events, (June 2013's Ex-Gay Pride Month and October 2013's Ex-Gay Awareness Month) that failed to either attract big name speakers or crowds to listen to them, ex-gay advocacy group Voice of the Voiceless is back for a second chance to rally their tens of followers who comprise their base.

The 2014 "Second Annual Ex-Gay Awareness Month" will take place October 3 and 4 at an undisclosed hotel in Washington, D.C.. Scheduled to speak is a line-up of all-stars in the anti-gay movement, including American Family Association Radio personality Sandy Rios and right-wing blogger Matt Barber. The keynote address will be given by failed GOP presidential hopeful and former U.S. ambassador Alan Keyes.

"We are thrilled to have Ambassador Keyes join us for this important gathering in Washington, D.C.," commented Christopher Doyle, President of ex-gay advocacy group Voice of the Voiceless in a press release. "Ambassador Keyes has been a champion for social conservatism and a reasoned and compassionate voice when it comes to homosexuality. His insight and perspective on social justice for ex-gays is sure to inspire."

A big fan of hyperbolic rhetoric, Keyes recently published an article on �ber right wing website WorldNetDaily titled "Homosexual 'Rights': Suicide for Humanity?" where he asserted that gay rights activists were promoting the "extinction of humanity."

After a dismal showing for the First Annual Ex-Gay Pride rally in July 2013 that drew fewer than ten participants, ex-gay advocacy group VoV's second event, the First Annual Ex-Gay Awareness dinner was a comparative success; featuring a key note speaker, award presentation, the debut of the long awaited winning entry from their music video contest and according to The Christian Post, "about 60 Christian leaders and ex-gay individuals."

Tickets for 2014's two-day conference in October are only $99 ($89 before September 1) and can be purchased at: here. For more information on the event and to download a conference flyer, click here .

Relive all the excitement of last year's inaugural rally that drew nearly ten participants

by Bobby McGuire

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