Alleged Webcam Vids Emerge in 'X-Men' Director's 2nd Abuse Suit

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 3 MIN.

A second man has filed a lawsuit against Bryan Singer alleging the "X-Men" director sexual abused him when he was a young teen, People magazine reports.

The lawsuit, which was filed May 3 in Los Angeles Federal Court by an anonymous British man, also accuses entertainment executive Gary Goddard and says he and Singer, who is openly gay, contacted him via social media in 2003 when the man was 14.

The man also says Singer and Goddard engaged in nude webcam sessions when he was 15 and had sex with him when he was 16. When he was 17, the man alleges Singer fondled him and tried to force him to have sex by ordering a "large muscle-bound man" to "smack [him] around" during an after-after-party at the Singer's hotel suit after the 2006 U.K. premier of "Superman Returns."

According to the suit, the director contacted the man the following day and said he was sorry for "last night."

Singer and Goddard both deny the new allegations, People reports.

The man is represented by attorney Jeff Herman, who also represents Michael Egan, 31, who filed sex abuse lawsuits against Singer, Goddard and two other entertainment executives last month. Egan claims the men drugged him and raped him when he was a teen.

Singer also denies those accusations.

"After the substance of Mr. Herman's previous defamatory and fabricated filing in Hawaii was disproved based on unassailable evidence, Mr. Herman's desperation has led him to fabricate these new anonymous accusations against Mr. Singer, which we will also prove to be completely false," Marty Singer, Bryan Singer's lawyer (no relation) said in a statement. "It is time for the media and public to focus their attention on Mr. Herman's nefarious motives and tactics which seem to be driven solely by his need to shake down an innocent man like Bryan Singer. We intend to seek sanctions against Mr. Herman for his reckless, unethical behavior."

Goddard's lawyers, Alan Grodin and Paul Gaspari, also deny the lawsuits.

"Gary Goddard vehemently denies the extremely serious, false and defamatory allegations made against him. And it is a sad indictment on society that when spurious claims have been made in one suit - especially where compensation is sought - other similar claims may follow," the statement reads. "Despite the extent of uninformed and damaging commentary on the matter in the media, the allegations have not been tested in any way, let alone through the judicial process. We will not dignify these outrageous claims with anything other than a vigorous denial on behalf of our client, and by confirming that they will be fiercely defended at any trial where Mr. Goddard is entirely confident that he will be fully vindicated."

Though Singer denies the allegations, the lawsuits have impacted the marketing for the upcoming "X-Men" film, "X-Men: Days of Future Past," which will be released on May 23. According to People, Singer has dropped out of all press for the film.

"I do not want these fictitious claims to divert ANY attention from 'X-Men: Days of Future Past,'" Singer said in a statement last month. "I promise when this situation is over, the facts will show this to be the sick twisted shakedown it is."

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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