Seminar Promises to Help Undo Some Gays in 3 Short Days

Bobby McGuire READ TIME: 2 MIN.

The International Healing Foundation, a Maryland-based gay conversion therapy organization tied to "ex-gay" advocacy group Voice of the Voiceless and Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX) announced a three-day counselor training program set to take place at an undisclosed hotel near the Baltimore-Washington International Airport in May.

Have you ever wanted to help others overcome same-sex attraction, but just didn't have the time or money? Well, the "ex-gay" counseling group International Healing Foundation is now promising they can certify you to help others through the complicated issues they believe is behind LGBTQ identification in the same time it took Jesus to make it from the cross to the tomb to invisible. Interested parties who register early will receive $24 off the $299 registration fee. Got a few friends who want to tag along? The three of you can learn to help undo the gay for the low, low price of $799.

According to the IHF website

This groundbreaking Counselor Training Program is the first of its kind in the world, detailing a comprehensive approach for:

1. helping men and women who question their sexuality and/or experience unwanted same-sex attraction

2. assisting family and friends with LGBTQU loved ones.??

All participants who attend will receive a Certificate of Attendance for Sexual Orientation Training and Education. The certificate will be mailed to those who complete all the requirements within one year of the final day of this training.

Facilitating the speed course in ex-gayification will be International Healing Foundation's own Christopher Doyle, M.A. who is president of the "ex-gay" advocacy group Voice of the Voiceless. Doyle had a busy 2013: last summer he produced the first annual "ex-gay" pride rally that drew ten participants to our nation's capital. In the fall he quintupled that attendance at an "ex-gay" awareness dinner.

Working with Doyle will be his International Healing Foundation cohort Richard Cohen, MA. According to Wikipedia, in 2002 Cohen was permanently expelled from the American Counseling Association (ACA), after it accused him of six violations of its ethics code.

According to Truth Wins Out, some of Cohen's more unorthodox "therapeutic practices" have involved beating pillows with tennis rackets in order to heal anger toward one's mother, followed by sessions where he cuddles his male patients in order to recreate a father's love.

The seminar takes place from May 1 through 3. Bring your own tennis racket and pillow.

Interested participants can sign up here.

by Bobby McGuire

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