Ariz. Governor Questioned on Anti-Gay Bill

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 2 MIN.

CNN's Dana Bash asked Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) about a highly controversial bill that would allow businesses to discriminate against LGBT customers while she was in Washington for the National Governors Association meeting on Monday.

SB 1062, which would allow business owners to refuse service to gays if they cite religious beliefs, is currently on Brewer's desk. She has until Saturday morning to sign or veto the measure, which cleared both houses of the Arizona legislation last week.

Although she has not firmly stated what she plans to do with the bill, she told Bash that she has Arizona's best interests in mind, according to the Huffington Post.

"I'm going to go home, and when I receive the bill, I'm going to read it and I'm going to be briefed on it. We have been following it. And I will make my decision in the near future," Brewer said before adding that she has until Friday or Sunday morning to make her final decision.

"I can assure you, as always, I will do the right thing for the state of Arizona," Brewer said.

Though she's keeping her cards close to her vest, the Republican governor has been feeling pressure to veto the bill from CEOs, Washington politicians and local lawmakers.

Three Arizona state senatorswho initially approved the bill have shifted gears and are now urging Brewer to veto the bill. U.S. Senator John McCain also asked Brewer to veto the measure as did Apple Inc. and the CEO of American Airlines Group Inc.

State Sen. Bob Worsley, Adam Driggs and Steve Pierce are the latest to call for Brewer to veto the SB 1062.

This isn't the first time Brewer has had to deal with a hot-button bill, however. She's had to consider measures regarding immigration, border control, guns, contraception and more.

She told CNN she will weigh both sides of the argument when it comes to the discrimination bill.

Watch the CNN clip below:

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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